How to detect fake BOSE Headphones | How to Spot a Fake Bose Headphone

fake BOSE Headphones

How to detect fake BOSE Headphones Step Inspection Point Genuine Bose Headphones Counterfeit Warning Signs 1 Middle Body Seam Seamless construction Visible seam in manufacturing 2 “R” & “L” Label Feel Smooth, precise feel Rough texture, catches on skin 3 Headphone Expansion No gap when fully contracted Gaps when closed – indicating fakes 4 Serial … Read more

How to detect fake Beats by Dr Dre Earbuds | 4 Ways to Tell if Beats Are Fake

fake Beats by Dr Dre Earbuds

How to detect fake Beats by Dr Dre Earbuds Step Checkpoint Authentic Beats Counterfeit Warning 1 Back of Earbuds Quality brushed aluminum Low-quality, bleeding “b,” or sticker 2 Collar of Jack Serial number stamped No serial number indicates a fake 3 Splitter Chrome collar, no space Space between collar and piece 4 Earbud Case No … Read more